Sunday, July 12, 2009


We are on the brink of the New World Order (NWO) taking over!

I've taken a very long research break to find more about this. People wake up!!! The world is being run by Bilderburg - a group of elite including - Illuminatti, CFR members, UN members, Governments in all countries at least the top ranking officials.

What amazes me most is that this information is readily available for anyone who chooses to look. There are many people like alex jones and david Icke who are putting their lives at risk to let you know the truth: we are imprisoned in our minds and now due to our dependence we will be slaves physically.

Right now there are over a thousand fema camps in the us ready and manned waiting for the call! People this is right now and you need to start paying attention to what is really going on right before your eyes! You are so brainwashed into believing what the news and major media well if you do a little research you'll find members of bilderburg own ALL the major media.

Everyday you are brainwashed by the tv, radio, newspapers, schools, even language! I mean I could go on ... However I think you need to see for yourself.

Check these out to start:

Endgame: Blueprint for global enslavement by Alex Jones

David Icke - Interview with Credo Botwa

The thirteen families of the Illuminatti

Fema camps in US

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our water is Contaminated

You should know your water is contaminated with chlorine.

Although we are led to believe that chlorine is a safe way to clean water from bacteria, evidence now proves otherwise.

Chlorine is now shown to be a culprit in high cholesterol, asthma, and other diseases. Every time you drink a glass of water the chlorine scars your arteries.

Thus leading to high cholesterol due to the scars on the arterial walls causing lipids to get stuck in the arteries and build up.

Every time you take a shower you are killing yourself literally! Ask any chemist what happens to chlorine when heated and they will tell you that it will turn into chloroform. So when you take a nice hot shower, your skin, the largest organ on your body is soaking in the chlorine and then you inhale the chloroform along with whatever chemicals are in the soap you use.

So what can we do about this problem? Well for starters you can check out this article which goes in depth about the risks and effects of chlorine in our water and then you should really look into a reverse osmosis water filter. They are pricey but to save your life and the lives of your family it is well worth it. Best of all it's a mere fraction of what you would end up paying if you got sick!!!

For more on how to protect you and your family click here

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our food is Poisoned!

The Big Hoax

There is no ailment or disease humans may be afflicted by, that Mother Earth hasn’t already provided a cure for through natural medicine.

Millions die every year needlessly from disease when the cures and culprits are right before their eyes. For ten years I have studied this phenomenon and am outraged at my findings. So much so, that I have dedicated my life to exploiting the drug companies and all their affiliates; educating people on why they are sick and teaching what we ourselves can do to eradicate disease.

However, I must say that in these few pages I cannot possibly fit all the necessary details of this subject. Therefore please note that this is a mere glimpse of the scandal before us.

While we were sleeping, the drug industry has been busy spinning an intricate web of corrupt and mendacious practices. Becoming rich on our ill health and obtaining protection from the same organizations built to protect us.

This web in effect has threads supporting them from the government agencies, lobbyists, politicians, medical doctors, insurance agencies, the media, and their affiliates. Before we delve further into the support of this monster you should know a couple facts.

All pharmaceutical companies and all of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approved research laboratories are publicly traded.

According to law it is then their responsibility to increase the shareholders profits.

Next, all prescription and nonprescription drugs do not prevent or cure sickness and disease. In fact all these drugs are highly toxic to your body causing serious negative side effects on your major organs thus creating disease. The only actual accomplishment of these drugs is the treatment of your symptoms, not the disease itself. All while making you sick, in the name of profit.

This is not some hocus pocus fairy tale I made up or a conspiracy theory, we are being poisoned every day by the most common and needed items like our food and water! This is actually happening across the nation to people like you and me. I am just one of many “blowing the whistle” on these despicable scams.

Please understand that I love my country and my people but I do not appreciate the corruption that runs deep in the drug and healthcare industry and I refuse to shut my mouth any more.

In the Journal of the American Medical Association it states and I quote: “Every prescription drug has dangerous side effects and over twenty percent of them come on the market without any warnings”.

This statement brings me to my next point.

I mentioned earlier who in effect supports the drug and medical industry. Now I want to point out the primary members to this mutually supportive clique:

The Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

These two organizations themselves have tremendous power so when merged with the drug and medical industry we now have an unholy trinity of power even more powerful then the constitution itself.

Congress has given the FDA and FTC even more power, now that it’s funded by the drug industry. They currently have the power to make and enforce their own laws! They have the authority to raid your home and confiscate anything they feel is pertaining, with out the need for a search warrant. In fact, if you did get jailed by one of these organizations, they don’t ever have to let you see a day in court or let you have a lawyer or get a phone call.

I wish I could say I am exaggerating, but I’m not, this scenario has happened to many who have tried to demonstrate the power of natural medicine and the pertinent research regarding these remedies. Unfortunately, this is another ugly truth that they don’t want you to know.

The FDA is the most powerful organization in the country. Given the assignment of overseeing the trade and safety of food and drugs in our country, it regulates virtually everything we use daily. Here is one of the former trade commissioners’ statements about the FDA: “The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day”, (Herbert Lay M.D.).

This is truth that they do not want you to hear! Elaine Feuer a criminologist conducted a study on the FDA and what she discovered is quite startling. She concluded that a vast majority of their time is spent protecting the pharmaceuticals profits. One way they do this is by issuing ridiculous laws such as: “Only a drug can cure, prevent, or treat a disease”. I call this ridiculous because it couldn’t be farther from the truth!

One simple example is the disease scurvy. Scurvy develops when the body is deficient in vitamin C. Therefore, to cure scurvy, all you have to do is eat any vitamin C producing fruit, such as: oranges, pineapples, and mandarins, to eradicate this disease. Yet, under this law an orange couldn’t cure scurvy, only a drug can do that!

Feuer also found the other favorite pastime of the FDA is to suppress information and research on natural medicine. They are also fond of promoting negative information on homeopathic medicine. Anyone or any business that opposes their laws or regulations and promotes natural medicine will be attacked, destroyed financially, and their credibility will be stripped away.

Another part of this scandal was exposed by the Washington Post in 1992. The article showed how the FDA is just a puppet for the drug companies. Congress actually passed a law making it okay for the drug companies to fund the FDA.

Soon after the drug companies hired five hundred new workers for the FDA, with the job of reviewing drugs for approval. Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the problem here. Thanks to the food and drug administration virtually everything we ingest or put on our bodies is contaminated with toxins. The organization established to protect us has in fact betrayed us!

The Federal Trade Commission is to promote fair trade and investigate deceptive practices. In reality they protect the medical industries interests and allow deceptive practice for corporate companies and they too are interested in assimilating anyone who tries to speak up and out about the truth of them and their practices. In effect our freedom of speech has been stripped from us as if this was Nazi Germany. Congress actually gave the FTC and the FDA the power to be judge, jury, and executioner of anyone that they deem may damage the profits of the drug industry.

Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen if the natural cure for cancer was “discovered”? The thousands inflicted with this disease miraculously would be cured without harmful side effects or remission. Going on to live healthy, happy lives and cancer would be eradicated. Now here are the parts “they” don’t want you to know, one, the cure for cancer has been discovered since 1920.In fact there are many different natural ways to eliminate this disease.

Two, the only reason we are inflicted with this disease is because of the impact this cure would have on the medical industry. Many people would be out of a job, from Chemo therapists, to the non-profits supposedly dedicated to fighting cancer. Even the scientists who develop and test prevalent drugs for cancer would be out of a job.

Let’s not forget the stock market. Due to these companies being publicly traded the market would crash especially because it’s a natural cure. Since that would mean this cure can not be patented, all patentable drugs by law, must be man made, chemical or oil based.

Meaning there is no big money being made. Leading to the loss of shareholder’s profits and who do you think owns the majority of these shares? If you guessed the politicians and employees of the FDA, FTC, and their affiliates then you guessed correct.

Therefore, it is there intention to hold an unholy monopoly in the medical industry. The medical industries’ goal is to smother research and the promotion of natural remedies. Not because they care about you and want to protect you and your family from the “deadly” effect of herbs.

The exact opposite is true, they want you and your family sick so they and only they can treat your symptoms, overcharge you, get you sicker, make money, and in effect keep their jobs. What they do is manufacture products that are produced as cheap as possible and sold at the highest possible price. Then they integrate these drugs into your food, drinks, soaps, cleaning products where ever they may infiltrate your life all with the consent of the FDA and FTC.

They want to catch you because once they get you for one sickness they got you for life. They know they are killing you but that is corporate business when it gets out of control and drunk with power.
If you’re wondering exactly why diseases are out of control in this country; it is because we are toxic. So much so, that in a study, woman's breast milk nationwide was tested for contaminants. The results showed all the milk (100%) contained high amounts of rocket and jet fuel!

Another study explains that you are killing yourself slowly every time you take a shower we will get into that later. Studies conducted on microwaved food and it’s relation to humans are so startling, I suggest you throw your microwave out.

Another study tested chicken breast for toxins. A sample was evaluated from a regular brand name chicken breast. The sample showed the breast to contain only fifty four percent chicken! The other forty six percent is a chemical composition which is toxic to our body.

Our produce is genetically engineered; it is treated with fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. In turn this produces beautiful fruit and vegetables with out the taste and the nutrients of organic produce. So when you eat this produce you are virtually eating chemicals as nutrients.

Ninety percent of Americans are deficient in vitamins, minerals, and water. To top it off we are bombarded by pollution. Light pollution, sound pollution, chemical pollution and the list goes on. You may be thinking if everything is contaminated with chemicals and pollution then how will I ever get healthy and be disease free?

If you want to be healthy and prevent disease and sickness all you have to do is live as nature intended: naturally.

Never drink tap water because it is contaminated with chlorine. The chlorine in our water was proven to scar our arteries, kill the good flora in the large intestine, and harbor in the fatty tissue (your brain is fatty tissue) of our body.

The influx of chlorine in our systems leads to high cholesterol, heart attacks, cancer and brain damage. In fact every time you take a hot shower the chlorine in the water changes from the heat into chloroform. You then inhale this toxic substance as well as let your skin soak it up like a thirsty sponge. The best way to protect yourself is to get a reverse osmosis water filter for your home.

Never drink homogenized milk! Milk is homogenized by spinning the milk till the cells break down, thus making the milk last longer for storage and transport. Unfortunately, this process is shown to scar your arteries every time you ingest it.

Leading to high cholesterol only because the cholesterol now has a place to stick and collect in your artery. The way to avoid this is by shelling out four dollars for a quart of organic fresh milk or organic pasteurized milk. Just make sure the label does not say homogenized, better yet, ask the dairy farmer yourself.

Only eat organic food and only use organic products. Pay attention, notice I did not say natural, this is because the wonderful FDA, FTC, and congress has allowed over 15,000 chemicals to be labeled as natural!

So the real natural is now known as organic. Now, I know this is hard, especially because the price of organic food is outrageously inflated, but, just this one step will automatically produce healthy benefits for your body.

Eat more raw fruit and vegetables. Better yet, invest in a juicer and juice your organic produce. This gives your body an easy digestible power punch of natural vitamins and minerals for your immune system. Eat and use organic products when ever possible. I know I said this before but I cannot stress how important this is. Just because the package says organic doesn’t mean it actually is all organic. Take the time to read labels; if you can’t pronounce it… don’t buy it!

Educate yourself on natural remedies. Take the time to read books on natural remedies and on the medical industry. I also must note, every continent has its own medicine derived from the natural plants native to that area. Therefore it is not necessary to tear down the rainforest for medicine or to ravage our oceans for medicine. The medicine you need will always be right in your back yard. Yet, before ingesting any herb you yourself picked from the wild make sure you know what it is and what it is used for.

Throw out all prescription and non prescription drugs and never use them again! These drugs are only poisoning your body slowly. If you continue taking these drugs, your body will become diseased! However, before taking this step, find a couple homeopathic doctors, because the drug company try to get you addicted for life on these drugs.

Therefore you may need to enlist the help of someone actually qualified to assist you in stopping the addiction of poison in your body. Although, please do not trust your medical doctor to help you take this step. They are only trained to prescribe drugs and to cut out your anatomy.

Throw out all nonstick cookware. An independent unbiased study was conducted and they found that the fumes this cookware emits will kill a bird just by flying by and breathing it in, the bird will actually drop dead out of the sky! The only safe cookware is iron, or stainless steel. Aluminum cookware and utensils have been linked to dementia.

Get oxygen therapy or buy oxygen from your local health food store and drink it. Disease can not live or thrive in an oxygen rich body. Disease also can not live in an alkaline body. Your body can only ever get sick if your body is acidic. The cheapest way to test your bodies’ ph is by dabbing a piece of litmus paper on your tongue. Litmus paper may be obtained at your local old fashioned pharmacy.

To restore your bodies ph to an alkaline state do not eat any processed food for a week. Go on an organic raw produce diet at least for one week, juiced would be even better. This helps your body remove the many toxins in your body.

Try to stay stress free, because stress has been found to be a silent killer. Stress in itself, will change your bodies physiological state from an alkaline state to acidic in the matter of seconds.

Lastly that I have room for, is to laugh at least for fifteen minutes a day. Laughter is shown to reverse the effects of stress and promotes anti-aging endorphins released into your body. If you can start with these simple steps you will be on your way healthier, happier you, un-succumbing to the lies and poisons lurking around you. Like all things, it is hard to start but once you get going it becomes second nature.

To those who have “blown the whistle” on this trinity of horrendous practice, I must say thank you. They fight for the masses every day, just to open your eyes. They have lost everything battling these massive organizations with a seemingly endless supply of capital, just for you.

If we don’t wake up and contest this scam it won’t just be us who looses. It will be our children and their children. Our health, our families’ health, and our planet are in jeopardy because of others greed for socioeconomic status, power, and most of all, money.

Every day we are being stripped of our rights. The right to free speech, the right to make our own medical decisions, the right to eat food that is with out toxic chemicals and made by god as nature intended, and most of all the right to be healthy and disease free.

I implore you to take the time and do further research yourself on this subject. You will not be saving just your own life but all the lives around you. In effect you will “wake up” and be educated in the truth of their deceitful lies and to the truth they don’t want you to know: In nature there are cures and preventions of disease with no negative side effects. This is the medicine intended for our bodies!

Like Jack Lalane who lived to be over one hundred years old in excellent physical and mental health said: “If man made it, don’t eat it or put it in on your body”.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why are you poisoning yourself?

Have you ever stopped to think of all the chemicals you ingest everyday and how this affects your health?Well I have and in doing so I started to research the "sneaky toxins" that we use on a day to day basis. My findings are so frightening, I feel it my duty to let you know of what you are ingesting and what it does to you.

This might get me in trouble for exposing the truth I'm not sure, and you might find some things outrageous and disgusting but I assure you that there are many who will lose millions by keeping you a prisoner to their lies.

What I expose is intertwined with the government, nonprofits, researchers,
pharmaceutical companies and as you will find out almost everything. Unfortunately were lied to for so long we are now brainwashed, blind and addicted with out the realization of it!

Many like myself know these truths and decided also to tell the world in hopes for the masses to open their eyes and demand a change and restitution. However most were viciously attacked by these companies and all those who profit in this greed and destruction of the human race.
Until they were left penniless, slandered, and broken. Yet, someone always picks up where the other left off starts the battle again with hopes of waking you up!

With that said, let's begin.
Cancer: Fact- There are more people dying of cancer now then there were 50 years ago.

I don't know about you but that is quite
unsettling. Fifty years ago people didn't wear sunscreen. Both men and women smoked, they ate butter and fried in lard. Drank coffee, ate sugar and consumed alcohol. Yet, fifty years ago there was less cancer then now.

Today we slather ourselves with sunscreen to protect us from dangerous UV rays. Today we eat "lite" and "diet" food. We eat fat free food and go to the gym to
exercise and keep fit. Today we have tests to detect all types of disease and imbalances and treat them. Yet, we are still dying of cancer. So how can this be?

Here is one of many "truths" you should know:

Cancer was cured at least
forty years ago! However the cancer society denied that homeopathic medicine is actually a form of medicine despite the fact that 10 patients with terminal cancer sent home to die by traditional doctors were cured by a man with out a medical degree by herbs, fresh air, exercise, fruits and vegetables. That's it!!

In fact every step was recorded and sent to the Cancer Society so that other patients with cancer could be healed.

How many people you know have cancer or were lost to this disease? You may be surprised to know this is but one way to cure cancer. In fact a machine was made years ago called a multiple wave oscillator.

This machine targets disease and sickness and destroys the target using light and sound. Just like certain
bacteria die from light and certain pitches can break a pane of glass. The oscillator is set to certain frequency and pitch to eliminate sickness.

I have seen this machine in works
before and know a women who survived cancer because of the treatments of this machine. Mind you, the doctors sent her to hospice to die because the cancer had overtaken her body.

She is alive, healthy , and vibrant six years later with the doctors stumped. However due to it's
amazing ability to cure cancer along with a host of other diseases the FDA has banned the use of this machine in America.