Monday, January 26, 2009

Why are you poisoning yourself?

Have you ever stopped to think of all the chemicals you ingest everyday and how this affects your health?Well I have and in doing so I started to research the "sneaky toxins" that we use on a day to day basis. My findings are so frightening, I feel it my duty to let you know of what you are ingesting and what it does to you.

This might get me in trouble for exposing the truth I'm not sure, and you might find some things outrageous and disgusting but I assure you that there are many who will lose millions by keeping you a prisoner to their lies.

What I expose is intertwined with the government, nonprofits, researchers,
pharmaceutical companies and as you will find out almost everything. Unfortunately were lied to for so long we are now brainwashed, blind and addicted with out the realization of it!

Many like myself know these truths and decided also to tell the world in hopes for the masses to open their eyes and demand a change and restitution. However most were viciously attacked by these companies and all those who profit in this greed and destruction of the human race.
Until they were left penniless, slandered, and broken. Yet, someone always picks up where the other left off starts the battle again with hopes of waking you up!

With that said, let's begin.
Cancer: Fact- There are more people dying of cancer now then there were 50 years ago.

I don't know about you but that is quite
unsettling. Fifty years ago people didn't wear sunscreen. Both men and women smoked, they ate butter and fried in lard. Drank coffee, ate sugar and consumed alcohol. Yet, fifty years ago there was less cancer then now.

Today we slather ourselves with sunscreen to protect us from dangerous UV rays. Today we eat "lite" and "diet" food. We eat fat free food and go to the gym to
exercise and keep fit. Today we have tests to detect all types of disease and imbalances and treat them. Yet, we are still dying of cancer. So how can this be?

Here is one of many "truths" you should know:

Cancer was cured at least
forty years ago! However the cancer society denied that homeopathic medicine is actually a form of medicine despite the fact that 10 patients with terminal cancer sent home to die by traditional doctors were cured by a man with out a medical degree by herbs, fresh air, exercise, fruits and vegetables. That's it!!

In fact every step was recorded and sent to the Cancer Society so that other patients with cancer could be healed.

How many people you know have cancer or were lost to this disease? You may be surprised to know this is but one way to cure cancer. In fact a machine was made years ago called a multiple wave oscillator.

This machine targets disease and sickness and destroys the target using light and sound. Just like certain
bacteria die from light and certain pitches can break a pane of glass. The oscillator is set to certain frequency and pitch to eliminate sickness.

I have seen this machine in works
before and know a women who survived cancer because of the treatments of this machine. Mind you, the doctors sent her to hospice to die because the cancer had overtaken her body.

She is alive, healthy , and vibrant six years later with the doctors stumped. However due to it's
amazing ability to cure cancer along with a host of other diseases the FDA has banned the use of this machine in America.

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