Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Importance of thoughts

Many of us forget the true importance of thoughts.  How can something so simple be so powerful?

There are those who search over their lifetime for the key, or dare I say the secret of life and our world only to find the answer so simple it is baffling.  Ready?  Thoughts become.
  "Become what?" you ask.    Everything is the answer. 
Okay so I'm sure somewhere, somehow you heard this before.  Yet, did you take some time to really moll that over in your mind?  To see the depth and power these two simple words emanate?  Again... Thoughts Become.  
Become your life, your truth, your beliefs, your struggles and accomplishments; you. 
All from something our science can not yet see, measure, or truly comprehend. 

However is it not even more fascinating that over the decades of time our thoughts have purposely been exploited and "highjacked".  Why? Why is it that we humans are constantly and systematically derailed from knowing oneself and the true nature of oneself and our power?  The average American from the moment they  wake till the moment they fall asleep is bombarded with artificial thoughts. Coming from television programs and advertisements, radio music and advertisements, phones, emf waves, towers, etc.  Most Americans can not even hear themselves think due to a 24/7 addiction to "entertainment".

Yes, Artificial thoughts, not your own, not your own free will thinking.  Thoughts, ideals, and distractions stuffed into your mind; blocking your true nature.  Blocking your power.  Mainstream media can be summed up as follows: violence, sex, products, and fear.  If we follow the "key" theory, then and being an average American Westerner, our thoughts then are filled with: violence, sex, products, and fear.  Therefore creating these four elements in our life and our self.  

Now then, if you and your life is filled with fear, are you not easily conquered and controlled?  Ahhh, now we are getting somewhere.  Control people.  Control, of you and better yet your mind.  Are you a commodity or a human being of the land, with mind, body, and spirit? 

Reclaim your thoughts!  Pay attention to your thoughts!  Take a break from our society's so called "entertainments" and know thyself.  Try the 30 day challenge, 30 days without artificial thoughts, only your thoughts.  Take note of what they are and change them to suit your needs and desires.

Think on them, see it, feel it, imagine it and watch it come to be!

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